Kin Clubs of Stonewall Manitoba

Serving the Community's Greatest Need

Subscribe to our site for more info on our Splash Pad Project and local fundraisers

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Welcome to our Club

The Stonewall Kinsmen Club is a service club established in 1947 and ever since, has been contributing to the community.  Our members are dedicated to making Stonewall a better place to live.  

We are always looking for people who would like to get involved in helping their community. 

See our JOIN US page for more info.

Kin Spring zone 2025


​Fred, Barney, Wilma and Betty will be in Stonewall at the Spring Zone meeting!

You should be there too!  

Join us for a lot of fun....(and some business stuff).  

Mr. Slate (aka Vice-Governor Tim Mckay) will be there to make sure we get the business done!

Wear your Flintstone's themed costume for points in our club competition of fun and games.

Check back here to get registration info.

We support

Working together for over 80 years to serve the community’s greatest need
There are many ways to get involved, you can become a member or volunteer at events or service projects.